Future in Nuclear technology

Now a day we are having minimum source of energy, we have extracted a lot of energy. The demand is ever growing. We extract coal, oil, natural gas and other sources for their various uses but they are limited. We want a source which has less extraction and more power generation.
 ‘Nuclear energy’ the word itself says nuclear. In nuclear technology we can extract energy from splitting of nucleus. Nuclear power is based on the uses of nuclear reaction heat generated from release of exothermic reaction is use to run. Steam turbines to produce electricity in a nuclear power plant   
 France has a good share of electricity generated by nuclear power, China has the fastest growing power program with 28 new reactors under construction also significant new reactors are being built in India, Russia and South Korea.
 Nuclear energy has attracted many countries attention for its uses as a deadly weapon to mass destruction explosive from the beginning of nuclear reactors had been invented up the end of world war 2 in the beginning of nuclear technology application nuclear energy was used for military purpose such as submarine and followed by Russia and its use was continued by conducting nuclear weapons
 The Geneva conference which was sponsored by united nation in 1995 on the peaceful use of atomic energy was held to promote nuclear energy utilization path for civil or peaceful use only, those peaceful uses of nuclear energy are applied for irradiation of agriculture, farming, medicine hospital and industry
 Nuclear power is the fourth largest source of energy in India after thermal, hydroelectric and renewable energy. India has 21 nuclear reactors which are performed under 7 nuclear power plant and 6 nuclear power plant is under construction in terms of nuclear power generation we have 6780 MW power and 4300MW power, is expect from 6 upcoming nuclear power plant. We have a way to ambitious plan to reach a nuclear power capacity 63,000MW by 2032, India and Asia’s first nuclear reactor was Apasara research center. The atom today generates less than 3% of India’s electricity need. Apasara designed with the help and fuel from United Kingdom, it was in inaugurated on January 20 1957.
 Nuclear energy can extract by two ways fusion and fission. In fission the nuclear reaction which includes splitting up of nucleus into smaller element its radioactive decay process nuclear fission can occurs without neutron bombardment as a type of radioactivity decay. The most common fuels are 235U (uranium) and 239PU (plutonium). These fuels break a part into a bimodal range of chemical element with atomic masses entering near 95 and 135U. nuclear reaction which includes combining the nucleus and reacting energy. Nuclear fusion is a combination of two or more nuclear and producing one or more different nuclear for example in the fusion two hydrogen nuclei to form helium, 0.7% of the mass is current away from the system in the form of the kinetic energy of an alpha particles or other forms of energy, such as electromagnetic radiation.
 These reactions are used in nuclear power plant. In Maharashtra we have 2 power plants. First one is in Tarapur which have 1400MW capacity and other one is under construction and is in Jaitapur.
Now a day’s 15% of electricity production in world is by nuclear power plant. European countries are more efficient at utilization nuclear power. USA has capacity of 100,350MW which accounted for 19.50% of the nation’s total electric energy generation. In nuclear power plant we use the fuels like Uranium for extraction of energy. The other fuels of nuclear energy are Uranium carbide, Uranium nitride, plutonium, MOX, VOX, molten salt, zirconium, etc.
 Nuclear energy has its up but it has its down also the radioactivity waste is hazardous to most forms of life and the environment, and is regulated by government agencies in order to protect human health and environment. A few incidents have occurred when radioactivity materials were disposed of improperly, in the Soviet Union, waste stored in Lake Karachi was blown over the area during a dust storm after a lake had partly dried out. In France, in the summer 2008 numerous incidents happened, during draining operation, liquid containing untreated uranium overflowed. Into the ground and from there, river and nearby; another case, over 100 staff were contaminated with doses of radiation.
 The United State dropped nuclear weapons on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945 respectively during the final stage of World War 2. The two bombing, which killed at least 129,000 people, remains the only use of nuclear of nuclear weapons for warfare in history. After the attacks the Japan announced its surrender to the Allies on august 15. Within the first two to four months of the bombing, the acute effect of the atomic bombing killed 90,000-146,000 people in Hiroshima ; roughly half of the deaths occurred on the day after following months large number of people died from the effect of burns, radiation , sickness etc.
 Nuclear power can be used for destruction as well as constrained agendas use of nuclear power is like a two edged sward. Nuclear technology study also includes fuel management and economics of nuclear energy which we have to study in nuclear engineering. This technology will be an important option for the United States and the world to meet future energy needs without emitting carbon dioxide and other atmospheric pollutants
 In India there are several courses for nuclear engineering in various IITs. We can complete M-Tech in nuclear engineering and also PhD. For the demands for highly qualified scientist is on the rise and so are the opportunities institute like IITs train student to make carrier in nuclear technology. It has opportunities in medical radiology, agriculture, sea water desalinization, sterilization, industries, marine propulsion and all power producing platforms. For their wide uses nuclear engineer their demand is on the rise
 Nuclear technicians typically work in nuclear energy production or assist physicists, engineers and other professionals in nuclear research. Nuclear technicians working for nuclear power plants use computer and other equipment to monitor and help operate nuclear reactor. The median annual wage for nuclear technicians was $80,260in may 2015. In India median salary for nuclear engineer is 630,000 RS.
 So it remains within the hands of human to decide whether it’s a boon or bone for humanity.


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